
About The CETL

The Center for Effective Teaching & Learning (CETL) is designed to help Manchester University employees best meet the needs of our students and mentor them on their journey to becoming graduates of ability and conviction. The CETL coordinates a wide range of pedagogical and professional development activities and resources. 

The primary functions of the CETL are:

1) To plan regular pedagogical and professional development sessions for faculty during the academic year, including the fall North Manchester faculty workshop. For a full list of CETL events for the academic year, see the Events page.

2) To develop a range of pedagogical and professional development resources for faculty and staff. The CETL currently maintains a small library of pedagogy and professional development books on topics including the first-year experience; active learning techniques; dynamic lecturing; creating effective learning outcomes; and assessment. A full list can be accessed by searching for "CETL" in Funderburg Library's Spartan Search area. Other available resources, including journals and articles, are available on the Resources page.

3) To oversee the faculty mentoring program, which helps ease the transition for new faculty members.

The CETL fits within Manchester's mission and strategic priorities to "inspire effective learning that enables students to succeed beyond their own expectations" by investing in effective teaching and learning.

The CETL steering committee welcomes ideas and feedback from the MU community. To contact the CETL steering committee, please email